How It Works


The cloud dashboard based on AWS for intercoms control and data management is a powerful and user-friendly platform that revolutionizes the way intercom systems are managed and monitored. Built on the robust Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure, this cloud-based dashboard offers seamless control, real-time monitoring, and efficient data management for intercom systems.

With this cloud dashboard, users can remotely control and manage intercoms from anywhere, providing convenience and flexibility. Whether it’s granting access, monitoring intercom activity, or managing user permissions, the dashboard puts the power of intercom control at your fingertips.

Furthermore, the dashboard provides comprehensive data management capabilities. It allows users to securely store and analyze intercom data, such as call logs, visitor records, and access logs, providing valuable insights and facilitating efficient security management. With AWS’s reliable and scalable infrastructure, data is safely stored, and advanced analytics tools can be leveraged to gain actionable intelligence.

Experience the convenience and efficiency of cloud-based intercom control and data management with our AWS-powered dashboard. Take control of your intercom systems like never before, ensuring smooth communication, enhanced security, and seamless integration with your overall access control infrastructure.

IoT / Web Development / Cloud
Amazon Web Services, ReactJS, JS, MySQL, ESP8266, Arduino

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